Every item is to be shipped between 7-15 days, depending on what country you are located in. If the shipment is taking longer than 14 days please message our support team We would communicate with you through the process and give you the best understanding of the situation. You would receive a response as soon as possible. You would also be guaranteed a full refund if that is what you would want to request, if you haven't received any product passed the 14 day timeline.
If you are wanting a return for any reason like: you bought the wrong size for your pet, your pet doesn't seem interested in the ChewyBall anymore or if you have a separate reasoning for your requested return. We give a full 100% money back guarentee for any return within 14 days. There are no special requests that can or will be met after the 14 day mark.
NOW, if the product or any product has been damaged within the shipping time upon delivery, of the package that is another reason we would approve your request for a refund and you would receive your a full money back guarantee. Just please show proof within the 14 day deadline or within the same day of the delivery so we can give your money back.
Message our return team, For any return questions or trouble you may be having
However, please be advised to all pet owners, please understand if your pup has destroyed the product. Please know there is NO refund. ChewyBall is meant and used for different reasonings, we wish for your pets to make that of their choice. We just offer the ways they can enjoy the ChewyBall in our website and videos. The products that we display have a goal in mind. We wish to deliver you valuable product's that can measure your pups daily lifestyle.
>Learn How To Return Refund Here<
If any marketing statement regarding in any claim in the future of the ChewyBall to be "indestructible" is used as a marketing gimmick and for entertainment. No toy is ever to be indestructible to any dog. If you want more information on this statement please visit our FAQ now in the menu above or click here.
Still wanting a refund? We have made the process quite simple please visit our request refund section where we would give you instructions on following through with your return. >Learn How To Return Refund Here< Be advised: If you have a second or so, please read our refund policy and shipping to give you more of a comfortable and trusting feeling with our company. Thank you.